
It’s been a long, hard few years full of stress and uncertainty in a constantly shifting sociopolitical landscape. So many of us have lost people and ways of life that were deeply important to us and are still reeling from those losses. The pace and expectations of pre-pandemic life are deeply out of sync with most people’s current realities, with what is needed to heal and be in balance. 

If you have been surviving pandemic life but feel aware of how much it takes to get through each day – if you feel like you are always running on a near empty tank – you are most certainly not alone. If you’ve had a hard time catching your breath long enough to grieve a loss, or are feeling burned out and like it’s hard to connect to your emotions at all, understand that this is a natural response to an extended period of overwhelm.

I am here to offer deep listening, insight, and support.

Plant medicine can help you move from a place of exhaustion and despair to a place of healing, resilience, and connection in an increasingly uncertain and stressful world. Resiliency is about being able to weather the storm with grace and knowing that you have an inner reserve. It is the capacity to see and appreciate the magic and beauty of life, even when life is not easy. 

Conditions supported by herbal medicine

  • Blood sugar imbalances

  • Recovery from brain injury

  • Chronic and acute stress

  • Grief, loss, and other life transitions

  • Insomnia and other sleep or circadian rhythm disorders

  • Mental health struggles like anxiety/panic and depression

  • Digestive disturbances such as constipation and diarrhea, IBS, bloating/gas, leaky gut, sluggish/heaviness

  • Post-surgery healing

  • Pre- and post-natal care

  • Chronic pain and fatigue

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Lyme disease

  • Post-covid symptoms


Initial Consultation: $80-$120

A 90-120 minute appointment where we meet via phone or a secure video conferencing platform. This appointment will include a comprehensive assessment of your health history, in-depth questions into each body system, diet, and lifestyle. We will discuss your health concerns and goals, and preferences to help me determine what herbal formulas and preparations are best suited to your unique energetics and physiology. After this session, you will receive an individualized protocol that includes custom herbal formulas as well as nutritional and lifestyle recommendations. The fee for this appointment includes an optional 15 minute “outtake” appointment to answer any questions you have once you have received your protocol and herbs. 


Follow-up Consultation: $40-$80

A 30-60 minute appointment in which we take a deeper dive into your primary concerns or address new ones that have arisen. We will modify or add formulas and recommendations as needed. I recommend at least one follow up, scheduled 4-6 weeks after the initial consultation. We will then discuss the frequency of follow ups moving forward, depending on your individual needs. 


Acute Care Consultation: $30-$55

A 30-60 minute appointment in which we take a deeper dive into your primary concerns or address new ones that have arisen. We will modify or add formulas and recommendations as needed. I recommend at least one follow up, scheduled 4-6 weeks after the initial consultation. We will then discuss the frequency of follow ups moving forward, depending on your individual needs. 

Pre-consultation Clarity Call: 

If you are interested in working with me but want more information first to see if I am the right practitioner for you, or if this is your first time working with an herbalist and aren’t sure what it entails, I offer a free, 15-minute phone call during which you can ask questions and tell me a bit about your health concerns. I do not offer any advice during this appointment, it is simply to help you get a feel for who I am, and if you would like to schedule an initial consultation. 

A Note on my Sliding Scale Pricing:

In an effort to make my services more accessible, I offer a self-determined sliding-scale payment structure. I am including this graphic created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk to help you assess where you fall on the scale. In assessing your payment, please also consider that the “per-hour” cost for appointments includes not only our face-to-face meetings, but also any relevant research for your case, development of your individualized protocol, and general support/answering questions in between appointments. Please pay as much as you can afford as this makes a sliding scale model sustainable for me, and helps make my services available to those with fewer resources. 

Please contact me if you’re interested in this work but the cost is prohibitive.