Frequently Asked Questions

  • An herbal protocol is a holistic, targeted care plan developed specifically for you to work towards your identified health goals. It may consist of one or several different herbal formulations in various types of preparations, as well as nutritional and lifestyle recommendations.

  • This can vary depending on many factors, including severity, complexity, and length of time a condition has existed. I have seen people have almost immediate changes upon starting to work with herbs, while other times the improvements happen more gradually. I recommend that someone work with a protocol for at least 6 weeks, after which time we will discuss changes and improvements, and possibly reformulate or add to the protocol.

  • -Tinctures: an alcohol based extract in which a plant (the roots, leaves, berries, bark, flowers, or whole plant) are infused in alcohol.

    -Glycerites: similar to a tincture, but the plant constituents are extracted in glycerine rather than alcohol. A great option for animals, children, or anyone who doesn’t consume alcohol.

    -Infused vinegars: another alcohol-free option. Infused vinegars are made like tinctures but with apple cider as the solvent instead of alcohol. Infused vinegars are a great way to work herbs into your culinary endeavors as dressings and marinades.

    -Infused oils: Plant constituents are extracted in a fat such as olive or coconut oil, or animal fat, for external or sometimes culinary use.

    -Teas/infusions: Water soluble plant material, often leaves and flowers, are infused into hot or sometimes cold water for anywhere from 15 minutes to overnight.

    -Decoctions: Dried plant material, often roots, bark, and berries simmered in water for 15 or more minutes.

    -Powders: Plant material that has been finely ground into a powder. These can be taken in water or juice, apple sauce, a smoothie, or rolled with nut butter and honey into a preparation often referred to as “bliss balls” or energy balls.

    -Flower essences: a lovely way to work with the energetic nature of plants. Flower essences can be especially supportive and powerful during periods of emotional or psycho-spiritual distress.

  • The short answer is yes. There are some interactions (sometimes even beneficial!) between some herbs and pharmaceuticals, so it is important to work with a qualified herbalist to determine which herbs will be best to use in conjunction with medication. I am trained to research herb drug interactions and would be happy to assist you in navigating decisions about which herbs would be right for you. It is always important to inform your herbalist of any changes to your medications.

  • Oftentimes, yes! Herbal formulas can be quite delicious and pleasant to take. I always take flavor into consideration in my formulating and aim to make the process of taking your herbs an enjoyable experience. There are lots of fun and tasty ways to incorporate herbs into your diet. There are, from time to time, herbs that just don’t taste good. I tend to put these herbs into tinctures so it’s easy to knock it back without too much suffering. :)

  • Yes, absolutely. There are a variety of non-alcoholic ways to take herbs and I would be happy to work with you to create a sobriety-friendly protocol. Item description

  • I would be happy to discuss this as it relates to your personal constellation of factors. I am trained to research herb/drug interactions and always take into consideration any health concerns (high or low blood pressure, cardiac conditions, pregnancy, etc) that may affect which herbs would be appropriate for you. I’m happy to provide resources for you and your doctor explaining why the specific herbs I recommend are safe for you to work with.

  • Pregnancy and lactation are times in which it is important to work with a qualified professional to make sure that the herbs you are taking are in fact safe, as certain herbs are not safe at some stages of pregnancy and lactation.

  • Yes, I am happy to work with each individual to come up with a plan that feels supportive and feasible to them. As someone who has struggled myself to be “compliant” with my own protocols and health regimens, I understand and am here for you! I’m an enthusiastic motivator and cheerleader and love to troubleshoot and brainstorm ways to help clients stick with their protocols.

  • There are herbs that are experienced by some as feminizing or masculinizing. Herbs can be used to support folks in feeling more embodied and at ease while transitioning, as well as in pre- and post-surgery protocols. If you would feel most comfortable working with a trans herbalist, please reach out, I would be more than happy to make recommendations and help connect you.

  • Yes, while I am not a certified nutritionist, holistic nutrition was a part of my training through VCIH.

  • My consultations all operate on a sliding scale price. If the low end of the sliding scale feels prohibitively expensive, I’m happy to talk with you to see if we can come up with a price that is affordable to you, and/or consider trades. I am happy to work with you to utilize herbal preparations that are less expensive (usually teas or powders rather than tinctures or capsules), and/or herbs that you might be able to grow or responsibly gather yourself.